  • When Things Grow…

    Posted on May 19, 2013 by in updates

    JupiterThis week we find an intensity of planets in the astrological realm of “the Key”. The Sun, Mercury and Venus all conjunct to one another as well as to Jupiter, the planet that makes everything bigger…

    The Sun holds our consciousness,   Mercury is responsible for our thoughts and Venus is the holder of our feelings.  Being so close together they make it impossible for us to separate our common sense from our emotions.

    On the down side of this conjunction  is that our emotions overcome logic and too much thinking evaporates our feelings. But on the positive side we can find this time enabling the left and right hemispheres of the brain work together to create a flow of creativity and high emotional intelligence.

    All the above planets are also getting closer and closer to Jupiter (towards conjunction with it next week). Jupiter’s job is to make everything grow and expand. So pay attention that things look much larger now than they actually are. The suggestion for this week is to keep things in the right proportion!!

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