  • The Invisible Eclipse… (May 25th)

    Posted on May 22, 2013 by in articles, updates

    south node - from the astrological cards

    On the night of May 25th we’ll have the last eclipse for this eclipse season.

    It’s not a joke. There really is a season of eclipses, and it actually happens twice a year.

    This is going to be the third eclipse in one month, after last month’s partial moon eclipse and the solar eclipse from 2 weeks ago.

    This last eclipse is going to be so minor that actually we would not be able to see it. Earth’s shadow will not cover the moon, but only pass very very close to it.

    But an invisible eclipse is an eclipse never the less!


    The End of the Eclipse’ season – Closing unsolved Issues

    The frequency of eclipses has to do with South Node – a crucial point on the astrological chart that describes an astronomical phenomenon – the alignment of the Sun, Earth and moon (and sometimes more planets).

    The last month has not been easy and this has to do with the astrological meaning of the South Node.

    The South Node, that is also called “the Dragon’s Tail” in some cultures, is connected to our previous lives.

    During the last month we have been meeting things from our past – may it be people or circumstances from the past that are re-appearing, or even things to do with our previous lives.

    It is a time for everything that is not closed and sealed – to re-appear in our lives, in order to deal with it and solve it.

    Last month’s occasions had with them the appeal to fall again into traps that we have already fallen for before… But the actual possibility we had was to get into the old situation with a new approach, have different decisions, take new paths and do things right this time!

    The lunar eclipse of May 25th sums up this important period for this year. And the actual night of the eclipse is a very good time to try and see what lessons have we learned over the last month, be thankful for a new choices and be aware of our successes.

    Meditation for the Eclipse’ Night

    And if we feel we still have work to do, and we haven’t solved the lessons completely, the night of the eclipse would be a good night to meditate upon the South Node card, from my Holistic Astrological Cards’ deck, This card helps heal wounds to do with our past, and close unsolved issues. 

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