  • Special Astrological Doorway for the Next Two Weeks!

    Posted on June 5, 2013 by in monthly update, updates, weekly astrological forecast

    the gate - SaturnThere are many celestial events in this special time, and as we know – what is happens in the skies influences our daily lives…

    The first event is a very visible one

    At sunset these days we can clearly see, on the west horizon, two planets – Venus and Mercury. Venus – beautiful, bright and big and Mercury – smaller yet full of humor. These are the first stars we actually see when the sun goes down, just where the sun was before – so looking at the sky at sunset, it will be very easy to recognize them.


    The second event has to do with what we cannot see now

    Jupiter, planet of luck and good fortune, is getting now so close to the sun that we can actually cannot see it anymore. After a few months of seeing Jupiter clearly every evening it now becomes invisible. The early risers will start seeing it again in a few weeks, as one of the stars that shows in the east just before sunrise.

    The interesting thing is that just when we do not see Jupiter, its influence is the strongest!  We are heading towards a week or two with a very “Jupiterian” nature: things will look and feel very big, things will go to extremes, as we can already see from worldwide events. But on the brighter side – it is a special time of growth and expansion, and luck will help everything fall into place…


    The third celestial event of these times is also not visible, but certainly felt

    There is an astrological harmonic triangle that is created by Mercury, Venus, Neptune and Saturn. This triangle improves our communication abilities as well as our intuition. This is a special time of flow between the different parts of our personality. A time of mutuality between ladies and gentlemen. A time of interweaving the logical realms and the spiritual ones.

    Let us pass joyfully through this unique astrological doorway that the skies are opening for us now!