  • A Special Yearly Forecast, September 2013 – September 14, For all Signs!!

    Posted on September 15, 2013 by in More forecasts, updates

    plutoThe Lake – For those Born Between March 14 – April 12

    These special times call for finding the balance between the needed changes and the way to do them without going to extremes. This is the year for inventions, creations and finding a better and healthier you. This is a good time for the family, with a special blessing in all to do with family life, as well as  the possibility to expand the family for those who are considering it.

    This year’s special lesson is learning about intimacy. You can reach depths you never knew existed. You can feel deep love. You might also find that you can create a deeper relationship with the spiritual world. You feel strong belief and experience spiritual experiences and revelations. This is the year to let go of logic and reach out for intuition and the spiritual realms.


    The Flame – For those Born Between April 13 – May 13

    This is a year of good communication, time with friends and good conversations. There is a possibility to expand the circle of friends. If you are a lecturer, a teacher or work in marketing – you will find this year to be very successful.

    Loving relationships – there are a few lessons to be learned this year. This is the time to aim towards establishing a committed relationship. Relationships might seem a bit heavy or difficult, especially if you’re not in one. But despite the difficulty this is the time to make the needed inner breakthrough of changing the way you approach matters of love and partnership, creating a more mature and positive view about these matters.


    The Key – For those Born Between May 14 – June 14

    This year you are going to get connected to the earth element in many ways. There is success to do with money and property. You are learning how to maintain your assets, as well as taking better care of your body. It is important to give the time and attention to health issues, finding the root of things and working on the proper kind of healing.

    Saturn and the True Node are teaching you some lessons about the ability to better handle everyday’s little chores. You are becoming more mature and practical in the way you approach life. This is time for order, cleaning and taking good care of your body and property.


    Exchange – For those Born Between June 15 – July 15

    This is a year of new beginnings, luck and blessings. A time of going out into the world and  succeeding. This is a time of lucky coincidences and opening doors. Yet, you will find, this is also a time of growing up and becoming more responsible and committed. As you grow – you will need to slowly work on your confidence and charisma.

    And there is a special lesson this year to do with your self-confidence and your ability to really love yourself. It seems you have been through a rough time last year – a bit low and heavy and not really allowing yourselves to enjoy. You might have thought this is the more mature and adult way to be – without any quality time for yourselves. Now is the time to really grow up and understand that enjoyable time with your hobbies and loves is important in order to continue giving to others…


    Giving – For those Born Between July 16 – August 15

    This is the year to take time out for you; a year for a look inside and an inner-checking. Things that have been in the subconscious might pop up to the surface. You will learn about yourself and your emotions. You will also learn about your family and find a new world opening for you as a parent through better understanding your own childhood.

    Saturn and the True Node are in conjunction in your Family House. This planetary situation enables you to learn about family prints; learn about your emotions and go through healing of rough situations that might have occurred during your younger ages. The way we act as parents and handle family situations has a lot to do with the childhood we had. This special astrological form allows you to have the healing needed to change our emotional and thought patterns to do with family and parenting.


    The Swan – For those Born Between August 16 – Sept 15

    This is a year to go forward with your vocation and destiny. A year to taking the right steps that will enable you to be in touch with more people, touching more people’s lives. This is a time of a strong wind at your back that helps climb the mountain of fulfillment.

    This is a special astrological time for you, a time that enables to change constraining thought patterns, and especially get rid of inner constrains that bother you to easily connect to new friends and communicate freely.

    There are some lessons that might pop up to do with breaking these old patterns, but together with the lessons and challenges there’s the opportunity for a big change to do with your ability to better socialize


    Abundance – For those Born Between Sept 16 – October 16

    It’s going to be a good year for work and career. You might feel there’s an over-flow of work, but the amounts of work to do are accompanied with success. This is the year to start a new job if you are looking for one, or even begin a brand new career. Yet keep in mind these are difficult times financially and there is a need to ‘tighten the belt”. The good news is that together with the economical constraints you will find that you are more mature, responsible and even stable in the way you handle your finances.

    This special astrological time teaches you about true stability. There might be some difficult challenges to do with money, house and property. These challenges are already occurring in your lives for about a year now, but in thee coming year they come with the possibility to go through a really break-through that has to do with gaining a feeling of inner security and stability that doesn’t change due to the outer circumstances. The astrological gate that opens this year for you allows you to shed the inner constrains that prevent you from feeling that security and inner stability.


    Creation – For those Born Between October 17- Nov 14

    Saturn, lord of the Karma, is spending the next year in your astrological realm, and this is the second and last year it does so.

    For the last year you have mainly felt it’s constraints and the struggles it brought. But from now and onwards, Saturn actually enables you to go through a healing process and a possibility to build yourself up in a stable way. You will feel stronger and more mature, you will know what your principles and values are and you will stick to them.


    The Eagle – For those Born Between November 15 – December 14

    After a long time of changes and some shocks you are now entering a year of healing that will allow you to feel stability again in your life. Things to do with money and property will get on a better course and even your body will feel steadier. It seems that the needed changes were done, and now is the year to find balance in the new system. You are learning slowly that a sense of security comes from within, and has nothing to do with outside events.

    This is a time for a real breakthrough to do with your connection to the spiritual realms and the unseen worlds. The cloud that prevented you to connect to the higher is now moving away and you reveal a magical world of inspiration and intuition. For artist this a very productive year, and a time to move the obstacles, inner and outer, that separated from your muse, a time full of artistic creations.


    The Dolphin – For those Born Between December 15 – January 13

    Jupiter, planet of luck and success is going to spend the next year (untill June 2014) in your House of Relationships and will bless your love-life. If you are searching for a new love – this is the year to find it! And if you are already in a relationship you will find it brighten up and expand. Along with that there is a special drive that leads you towards your vocation. The path is not without challenges, and yet, you will find that you are building your charisma and becoming a true teacher for others.

    This is a time to stick without compromise to your higher vision and your true vocation. The special astrological configuration of this year allows to break through constrains and do things that you have never done before, to do with your true destiny and higher soul-path. It might take some courage and strength, but now is the time to lift yourselves to the higher place from which you could later fulfill your vocation and help many people.


    The Diamond – For those Born Between January 14 – February 12

    This year you will learn about the fine line of keeping your individuality and originality together without making yourself too much of an outsider. You have to stay true to yourself and yet take into account people may not always understand you. There is a special need to learn how to communicate with your surroundings.

    This is also a year of healing for stress to do with finances and property. The fog that made these issues seem unclear is now fading.

    This coming year is going to be filled with challenges to do with your work and career. Life teaches you now that it is not worth it to compromise or give up your principles and values, even  if it hurts your career – it’s worthwhile on the longer run. This special year will fortify you and with time you will find out you went through a time that really built your character and charisma.

    The Waterfall – For those Born Between February 13 – March 13

    This year you will find more about your spiritual abilities. You can be more in touch with your intuition and strengthen your healing powers. Something urges you to make the spiritual path a more prominent part of your life.

    This is also a good year for artists – a time of inspiration, joy and creativity and maybe even a time to get your work out into the world!

    This is the year to learn to be true students. A time to broaden your horizons, not thinking you already “know it all”. This is the time to melt down constrains that have prevented you from learning and discovering more about life, about the world. It is a time to learn about true freedom – the one that allows you to stick to your important choices and have the life journey of your choice, and not the one that keeps you bouncing from one option to the other…





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