  • Jupiter and Mars Conjunction and the Mechanics of the Planets-Human Relationship

    Posted on July 21, 2013 by in More forecasts, updates, weekly astrological forecast
    card Jupiter from the Holistic Astrological Cards by Karni Zor

    card Jupiter from the Holistic Astrological Cards by Karni Zor

    Once every two and a half years the two planets, Jupiter and Mars, conjunct in the skies.

    Mars, in Roman mythology, was the god of war – strong and fit and dressed in red. Planet Mars can be clearly seen as a  bright red and clear dot in the skies.

    Jupiter was the father of the new Roman pantheon, the biggest god of all, and his function is to enlarge and exaggerate any feature of the planet it conjuncts to – for better or worse. Jupiter is the biggest planet of our solar system, also clearly seen as big and bright as Venus (though much further than Venus).

    These days one has to get up early, about an hour before the sun rises, in order to see Mars and Jupiter, rising in the East and climbing up in the skies,the last planets to disappear as light fills the world.

    Global Affect

    With what is already going on in the world Mars causing exaggeration is not good news. This celestial conjunction will expand war and anger. We can actually feel things heating up in the last few weeks, but we will continue feeling the tension building until Monday, July the 22nd, the date of Mars’ and Jupiter perfect conjunction.

    Stars_Posters5Mars’ enormous power will continue echoing in ourselves and in the world for the next two weeks, pumping our blood with rage, but the good news is that after those two weeks the inner and outer battles will calm and things will cool down.


    Personal Affect & Spiritual Path

    Along with this conjunction’s global affect we are each personally affected by it.

    There is a special connection between humans and the planets, and we are all part of the same system.

    When new things want to arrive to earth from the distant constellations, they pass through the different planets of our solar system, according to their nature, and then they are received by humans. Human’s job in this system is to get the new frequencies, work with them and even shift  and moderate them – especially if the new energies passing through the planets are too harsh or violent.

    If we  find the way to work with the new frequencies coming to earth through planets Mars and Jupiter,  and learn how to moderate them in order for them to be effective for doing and growing, instead of just bursting up with the rage they might arouse in us, we are in the right direction in doing our part in the Human-Planets mechanism.


    What Can Be Done?

    So it is up to us not to surrender to the automatic reaction of fighting and bursting, but to moderate this vivid energy and use it for doing good things and moving forward.

    By doing that not only our lives will be much calmer this coming week, but our deeds, all humans together, might have much larger effects than we know.

    If each one of us will make a little step towards doing instead of fighting, things on this planet might just look a little bit better…


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