  • June 21st – The longest/shortest day

    Posted on June 20, 2013 by in monthly update, updates, weekly astrological forecast


    Friday, June 21th, is the longest day of the year on the north hemisphere and the shortest in the south hemisphere.

    We have felt the days changing quickly lately as Earth reaches its peak in its journey around the Sun, and before we know it we are heading into to the second quarter of the year, moving forward in the 4-fold cycle of life.

    Astrologically speaking we are officially entering summer (or winter…), and moving from the time of blossom to the time of ripeness.

    After 3 months of spring, where ideas bubbled, everything was new and enthusiastic, we now are entering a more mature time. It may seem that things will be slower or with less initiative, but actually in the cycle of life this is the time for the blossom to become a ripe fruit – just as in nature (northern hemisphere…)

    This is a slow stage that lasts 3 months, of “cooking” and waiting. At the end we can collect the produce of our deeds.

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