  • Extra: Monthly Forecast – Untill July 15th

    Posted on June 23, 2013 by in monthly update, More forecasts

    GeminiThe Lake – For those Born Between March 14 – April 12

    This month is about going inwards. You are spending more time with your family, more time to be with yourself, observing your emotions. You are more sensitive. It seems that your inner child needs the time to absorb the many events of the last few months. Although you might want to rush forward – it is good to take the time to get back in touch with your true self and balance yourself.


    The Flame – For those Born Between April 13 – May 13

    This month is all about communication, friends and exchange of ideas. Your social connections take priority now. You start to enjoy good conversations, become lighter… if you have your own business this would be the time to do some promotion, publicity and marketing for it. This month, enen if you are usually a bit shy you would find it easy to open up and find meeting with people very filling and heartwarming.


    The Key – For those Born Between May 14 – June 14

    You have to be very grounded and realistic this month! This is the time for practicality as well as taking on big commitments. The ideas that were flowing during the last few months need to be manifested now. Matters of money and property are the priority now. Do not fear this time. Although it feels a bit “heavy” and serious – this is the time for real things to start building.


    Exchange – For those Born Between June 15 – July 15

    Yey! This is defiantly YOUR month! And you’ve earned it…. The sun enters your astrological realm now and brings with it a real boost of energy. You are filled with life and vigor. You are back at your best. Your thoughts are clear, your emotions balanced, and mainly you will find your communication skills are now peaking. A new page now opens, a new beginning. Enjoy this special time! And happy birthday  !


    Giving – For those Born Between July 16 – August 15

    You are entering a very special time. The main activity in your life is not rational or tangible. It is a time in which things seem to occur mainly in your subconscious. This is a very intuitive and inspirational month. If someone would look at your life from the outside it would seems as though not much is happening, but actually much is happening within.

    This is a time of preparing for a new cycle of life that will begin for you in about a month, towards your birthday. Take the time to  process what you are going through now.


    The Swan – For those Born Between August 16 – Sept 15

    The passage of the Sun to a new astrological realm does you good. It seems you are finishing a difficult month in which you were not really connected to yourself. Now you have come back to be in touch with yourself, but also with your higher vision and your path towards your vocation. You can put aside all the petty details and really focus on what is important. You have clarity about your path and really can take major steps to fulfill yourself and do good things in this world.


    Abundance – For those Born Between Sept 16 – October 16

    You are entering a bit of a difficult time, and it is good to remember that we do have ups and downs, and this too shall pass (in about a month…). It would be good to keep in mind that it is difficult now to have clear visions about things and you are not at your best emotionally. One of the problems is that now, when you are a bit off – your work and career do require your full attention. Oh…

    The recommendation is just to know this is not one of the best months. Do not be upset about yourself. Just do what you can in the best way possible. Continue to be responsible and make sure you work on good communication with your colleagues or clients allthough you’re a bit “off”.

    Knowing about the “astrological weather” can make  this time go easier…


    Creation – For those Born Between October 17- Nov 14

    The stars shine for you this month! You feel very alive and optimistic and there is a sense of freedom you haven’t felt for a long time. This is not the time for plans, time schedules or any frames. You allow yourself to just roll with what comes, flow, discover and reveal. This is a good time to take a vacation if you can, or just take more time to be in nature. This is the time to learn new things and expand your horizons.


    The Eagle – For those Born Between November 15 – December 14

    You are entering a very special time with the main focus upon yourself and your spiritual path. After a month of many events and actions you have to take a step inwards. You can reconnect to your feelings, your soul. You can have more quality time with yourself now. And in that time you will discover many treasures coming from your spiritual connections.


    The Dolphin – For those Born Between December 15 – January 13

    The intensity of life rises and there is a lot going on! Many emotions, many events, meetings with people. It seems as though everything is extreme. But with this intensity there is also clarity . You become very aware of yourself and of other people. This is a time for a real connection with the world around you.

    Pay close attention to your loving-relationship now – with all the intensity around – it also needs your attention and time.


    The Diamond – For those Born Between January 14 – February 12

    This month is about taking a pause from the intensity of life to make some order and re-organization. You need to take care of your health, your house, and your logistics. This is a time for maintenance, taking care of all those little details, the little corners.

    The cleaning and organization you’ll do in your physical realm will have good influence upon your life and will help you maintain balance now and for the next few months…


    The Waterfall – For those Born Between February 13 – March 13

    You are starting to reconnect to your vigor, to life, a time to reconnect to yourself and put yourself at the center for a change. It seems that for a while you were in service for many other things, now is the time to enjoy life. To do what you love to do. Take more time to fulfill yourself and express your talents. This is a time that will rebuild your self confidence and charge you again with the energy of life.



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