  • August’s Meteorite Showers!

    Posted on August 10, 2013 by in a new astrology, articles, More about Astrology, updates, weekly astrological forecast

    !As always – the skies are full of surprisesmeteorite shower

    This week we are about to see two more meteorite showers (after the 2 we had in July).

    Actually if you take the time and look long enough at the skies you will most likely see a falling star or two, if visibility allows it, and this is due to the meteorite that just floats in space as the course earth is passing now in its journey around the sun.

    But the major amount of Meteorites   will be seen on the nights of August 13 and August 18, with dozens of shooting stars that are just waiting for us to make a wish!

    The meteorite showers can be seen worldwide and all night long, and it is best to view them from a dark place, cloud free   and distant from cities’ lights.

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