In many ancient cultures there are references to astrology: the state of the heavenly bodies. It is quite understandable when one think about it – Men used to be much closer to nature. In traveling outside without any bright lighting – men were exposed to the stars during the whole year. They would see their journey across the night’s sky; they would know their names and their orbit.
In the old days the astrologer, the wise old man, had an essential part in the tribe, or the kingdom. This person would know to predict according to the stars, if it is going to be a fertile year, if there is going to be a war etc.
In different cultures we witness astrologers who taught, gave advises and guidance. Josephus Flavius (who lived 2000 years ago) writes in his book “Antiquities of the Jews” how in his time men wouldn’t go to war without first consulting with an astrologer; that the army would consist not only of worriers but also of predictors, or seers – people who had foreseen the future or could predict the comings; almost like in our days when the astrologer analyze the position of the stars in the sky to determine what is expected in the horoscope.
Continuing to ancient Egypt to discover that the great pyramids in Giza are located in the exact position according to a prominent constellation called “Orion’s belt”, and until today there are various theories that the pyramids served as some kind of a complex calendar which the sun illuminated in a specific point one day during the whole year.
The Mayan people built huge temple (also in the shape of pyramids but terraced ones…) which demonstrated their special and complex calendar and their astrological perception. When the great priest climbed to the top of the pyramid it was a manifestation of men moving in time, from the earliest primordial (the lower terrace) until the end of time (the top of the pyramid).