
Weekly Forecast by Karni Zor

the Sun September 29 – October 6

The Holistic Astrological Center offers a unique astrological forecast fashioned according to the true positions of the stars in the skies. Please note the new astrological sign, or realm, according to your date of birth – which combines the Sidereal star chart at the moment of your birth together with new knowledge about the essence of the astrological signs.

Additional information about the New Astrology can be found on our blog, to which new articles are continually being added.

The New Astrology relates to the higher part of the human and to the unlimited possibilities inherent within.



The Lake – For those Born Between March 14 – April 12

The Sun is opposing your astrological realm, shedding light on Uranus that is spending a long-long period in your area. The Sun represents the awareness that and Uranus represents both the creative and the destructive powers. So this week you will find there’s a lot of awareness and clarity about the things you want to create, the revolutions and changes you want to make in your life. The Sun also enables you to be more aware of your tendency to destruct things, and this awareness can allow you to be the needed development that will allow you to control this tendency.

Relationships are in focus this week as well and there also, for better or worse, things are very clear and understood.


The Flame – For those Born Between April 13 – May 13

There are a lot of lessons to do with relationships lately. This is a time to build your principles to do with relationships and to connect to true love. Mercury enters your astrological House of Love, where Venus and Saturn are already visiting for a while. This is the time to check the way you think about love and get rid of non-promoting thought patterns to do with your relationships. This is also a time to check the way you communicate with your partner.

On another level – this is the time to attend to all bureaucracy and paperwork. Make the order that will allow your house and office be a calmer place to be in.


The Key – For those Born Between May 14 – June 14

Mercury now enters your astrological House of Maintenance and allows you to tend to the paperwork and order with more ease and efficiency. It seems that until now everything to do with filling form and managing your household as well as office was very stuck and slow. Mercury “stepping in” allows you to do all the work done quickly.

But asides from putting things to place – you continue to have a good time and enjoy life, this is a happy and creative time for you, full of energy – so (after you clean) enjoy it!


Exchange – For those Born Between June 15 – July 15

Jupitrer, planet of luck and success that is visiting your astrological realm allows you to “go all the way” with getting yourself outer there into the world and reach your success. But it has some conditions… Opposing Jupiter there is Pluto. And Pluto says “all or nothing!” there are two possible future with these two planets opposing. The one is to expand and reach the world with a huge success. But the other is not to be able to do the needed absolute leap, not knowing how to use the great cosmic that are now entering your life, and from there the road downhill into depression is short – as Pluto’s dark side hold this possibility of depression (Pluto, being lord of the underworld in Roman mythology).

This is the time to firmly stand against depression. Every time you want to give up – wake yourself and make another little step forward towards the light. This is the time to overcome Pluto’s dark side and use its magnetic powers for achieving your life’s goals and concurring the mountain.


Giving – For those Born Between July 16 – August 15

Mars, planet of doing, is spending its last weeks in your astrological realm and allows you the last boost towards accomplishing your current projects. Mars has been in your astrological realm for about two months now and now its slowly moving out of it. The text time it will visit your “neighborhood” again will be two and a half years from now.

This is the time to let your emotions get the best of you, and not to let thoughts control over you either. You just need to be very practical and focus at your aims and goals.


The Swan – For those Born Between August 16 – Sept 15

You are looking forwards towards the near-by entrance of Mars to your astrological realm a few weeks from now. Mars is Planet of Doing and it has been absent for about two and a half years now, so you might feel you really miss its frequency by now. You might feel lack of energy and a struggle with accomplishing your chores and projects. Men are mostly influenced by its absent – as Mars is the patron of the masculine gender.

The good news is that soon enough Mars will enter your astrological realm and you will be filled with vigor again! In the meanwhile you will find this time, of waiting for Mars, to be healing any fear that has to do with accomplishing and doing. Things will come to your awareness and will have the opportunity to be cured – allowing the clean entrance of Mars and a wave a Doing to begin with it.


Abundance – For those Born Between Sept 16 – October 16

The Sun, center of our solar system and giver of life and light, is now in your astrological realm. You continue to feel the abundant energy and vitality it brings with it. At this week the Sun is opposing Uranus, god of change and destruction, the primal creator (in Roman mythology) – and a huge amount of energy is now to your disposal. The question is would you use this energy for creating good things, or will you “lose your temper” and use it for destruction… the answers lies in your development level…

And on a less dramatic level – both Mercury and Venus are now in your astrological House of Finance, allowing good cash flow and clear thinking about money!


Creation – For those Born Between October 17- Nov 14

Your astrological realm, with the Libra constellation in it, is now perfectly and beautifully visible to the naked eye at early evening hours, to the east. In it one can find these day as much as 3 planets, also clearly visible: Mercury, planet of thinking and communication, Venus goddess of beauty and love, and old, stubborn Saturn.

The planets in your astrological realm open cosmic doors for development at these special times. Venus allows you to change emotional patterns, maybe even such that are sticking from previous life times. Mercury allows to change unwanted thinking patterns and even make a change of the people you are surrounded by that are no longer relevant to your life.

The special celestial dance allows you to become more and more the adult and mature figure you are aiming to be.


The Gate – For those Born Between November 15 – December 14

This is a time of awareness about your true vocation, and it is accompanied by the ability to do thing that will help you climb the mountain of your destiny.

This is also a time of test, when life checks what is of most importance for you – the aim to help other people and bring good things to the world, or to go after your ego into irrelevant endeavors.

You should be most careful at this time not to destroy things you have built on a whim.

Awareness can help you to avoid surprises that can drift you off the path of your choice.


The Dolphin – For those Born Between December 15 – January 13

Although work and career require much of your strength and your attention, you remain able to focus at the higher level of things. Your mind and heart are now aiming towards the sublime and you are able to have a clear, broad picture of life.

You are starting to get in better touch with your true destiny and become aware of the things that prevent you from reaching it, whether it is unwanted emotional or thought patterns. This is a time of preparation, while at mid October you’ll get the whole puzzle and will be more able to continue achieving your vocation.


The Diamond – For those Born Between January 14 – February 12

Although work is demanding, you are managing to keep a free spirit. And this is another proof to the fact that freedom ha to do with the inner state and not with the outer demands. Use this precious time to live a freely as possible, not restrained to a certain time frame or plan. This is the time to grow and expand and check to which direction you would like later on to grow to. Later on you could take the more committed path in the direction you are now just discovering.

This is a very good to for students and for travelers, and there’s a recommendation to go to a trip or study something new this week or the one after that…


The Waterfall – For those Born Between February 13 – March 13

This is a time of looking inwards. A time of insights, understandings and deep meetings with yourselves. You are able to broaden the way you think and be aware of yourself. In this special time you can even learn some important life lessons and start to realize what true freedom is. This is a rare spiritual time.

For those you who are artists or healers – this is a time to stick to a steady schedule and strict rules of practicing. Use your common sense and don’t allow yourself to get personally involved with your work…